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Elliott Brown Classic Architecture
10 Aug 2023 - Elliott Brown
Did you know?

The Gothic on Great Hampton Street between 2016 and 2023

The Gothic was built originally as a public house at the corner of Great Hampton Street and Great Hampton Row in Hockley, Birmingham in the late 1870s. It has been a Grade II listed building since 1982. Cordia Blackswan restored the building from 2019, this was completed by 2022. King Kong Park was next to the building from July to around October 2022 (the King Kong recreation is gone).

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The Gothic on Great Hampton Street between 2016 and 2023

The Gothic was built originally as a public house at the corner of Great Hampton Street and Great Hampton Row in Hockley, Birmingham in the late 1870s. It has been a Grade II listed building since 1982. Cordia Blackswan restored the building from 2019, this was completed by 2022. King Kong Park was next to the building from July to around October 2022 (the King Kong recreation is gone).

The Gothic dates to the late 1870s, built of polychrome brick and Ruskinian dressed stone. The Gothic public house included two shops. A prominent corner site looking down Constitution Hill. The building has an octagonal turret. The building was Grade II listed in July 1982. It remained a pub until it closed down around 2001-02.

Cordia Blackswan took over the building and restoration work took place from 2019 to 2022.


The Gothic seen back in September 2016, a few years before restoration. The previous owners thought it was a good idea to paint the ground floor units in pink! Looking on Google Maps Street View, it has been like this since the 2000s.

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By February 2022, all of the scaffolding had come down and restoration of The Gothic and the other buildings was almost complete. I was heading up Great Hampton Street to check out The Blue Orange Theatre at the time. Was wet rainy weather. The Quality Works buildings to the far left.

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March 2022, and I saw this view of The Gothic from Birmingham Snow Hill Station, waiting for my train at platform 3. That modern building to the right is Hampton by Hilton Birmingham Jewellery Quarter (next to St Paul's Tram Stop).

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The Gothic and King Kong Park, July 2022. The recreated statue of King Kong was next to The Gothic from July 2022, at the beginning of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games, on Great Hampton Row. I'd caught the tram that day up to St Paul's Tram Stop.

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The last we saw of King Kong at King Kong Park was during October 2022. This view from The Orelle at 103 Colmore Row, with The Gothic seen on the left.

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Early August 2023, and I approached The Gothic from Kenyon Street to Great Hampton Street. It looks like all the buildings renovations are now complete. It looks good! Also King Kong Park is long gone, and Great Hampton Row is once again open to local traffic.

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Photography by Elliott Brown

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80 passion points
Elliott Brown History & heritage
07 Aug 2023 - Elliott Brown

A look inside St Chad's Cathedral

I went on my first Igers Birmingham UK photography meet at St Chad's Cathedral on 5th August 2023 at 11:30am. Plenty to see, was there over an hour and a half. We were also taken downstairs to the rooms underground. Always wanted to go inside of St Chad's, but kept missing those Birmingham Heritage Week open days. So this was a good opportunity.

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A look inside St Chad's Cathedral

I went on my first Igers Birmingham UK photography meet at St Chad's Cathedral on 5th August 2023 at 11:30am. Plenty to see, was there over an hour and a half. We were also taken downstairs to the rooms underground. Always wanted to go inside of St Chad's, but kept missing those Birmingham Heritage Week open days. So this was a good opportunity.

A selection of photos I took at St Chad's Cathedral on 5th August 2023. More from me and others can be seen at this hashtag on Instagram IGBUK Meet St Chads.


First view inside of St Chad's after arriving for the meet.

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Under the large organ.

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View to the large organ.

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This chapel contains relics of St John Henry Newman.

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The relics of St John Henry Newman along with a picture of him.

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St Edward's Chapel. The chapel was built from 1931 and opened in 1933.

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One of the stained glass windows.

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The Archbishop's throne on the alter.

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Statue of St Chad, holding a model of the three spired Lichfield Cathedral. His relics were saved from Lichfield after the Reformation, and hidden, then moved to St Chad's Cathedral in Birmingham 300 years later, once it was safe to do so.

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One of many places to light a candle. But don't light them during a mass as they will be a distraction! Also donate below.

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Monument of Bishop Thomas Walsh (1776 - 1849).  The founder of St Chad's Cathedral, he is buried in this Crypt. It was designed by A.W. Pugin, carved in Bath stone by George Myers and exhibited at the Great Exhibition in 1851.

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And now for some photos taken in the rooms underground.


The robe of Pope John Paul II. He was the first Pope since the reformation to visit the UK in 1982. While he didn't visit Birmingham, he did go to Coventry. But he met the then new Archbishop of Birmingham Maurice Couve de Murville.

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Robe of Pope Benedict XVI. He came to Birmingham in 2010, and held mass at Cofton Park, and also beautified John Henry Newman, and visited the Birmingham Oratory on the Hagley Road in Edgbaston.

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This room is called the Sacrament of Confirmation.

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Another interesting looking room with yellow walls and ceilings.

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More photos in the gallery.


Photography by Elliott Brown

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80 passion points
Elliott Brown History & heritage
07 Aug 2023 - Elliott Brown

Jack's visit to Selly Manor with Nechells POD

During July 2023, Jack Babington and Nechells POD visited Selly Manor and Minworth Greaves in Bournville. Enjoy Jack's photos in this post.

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Jack's visit to Selly Manor with Nechells POD

During July 2023, Jack Babington and Nechells POD visited Selly Manor and Minworth Greaves in Bournville. Enjoy Jack's photos in this post.

Selly Manor is run by the Bournville Village Trust.

The building was re-built at Bournville from 1912 to 1916 by W. Alexander Harvey for George Cadbury. The building dates back to the 15th century in the sub-manor of Selly.

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Henry VIII teddy bear.

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Cuddly toy cat on a bed.

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Food on the kitchen table.

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The Kitchen.

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A boars head in the kitchen.

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Civil War helmets.

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Shields / coat of arms inside of Minworth Greaves.

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An old clock.

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A view of Minworth Greaves.

It was re-built here in 1932 by Lawrence Cadbury. It was formerly located in Minworth near Sutton Coldfield, and dates to the 14th century. Restoration overseen by W. Alexander Harvey.

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Photography by Jack Babington

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Elliott Brown Rivers, lakes & canals
30 Jul 2023 - Elliott Brown

Soho Loop walk on the BCN Old Mainline

I was going to get onto the Soho Loop at Winson Green Junction, but on the BCN Mainline near Winson Green Road, towpath was closed, so walked down and got on at Rotton Park Junction. Then a minor diversion at the Soho Wharf development before rejoining at Spring Hill. Stayed on the Soho Loop until the Asylum Bridge (although would have gone further). But exited to Norman Street Park.

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Soho Loop walk on the BCN Old Mainline

I was going to get onto the Soho Loop at Winson Green Junction, but on the BCN Mainline near Winson Green Road, towpath was closed, so walked down and got on at Rotton Park Junction. Then a minor diversion at the Soho Wharf development before rejoining at Spring Hill. Stayed on the Soho Loop until the Asylum Bridge (although would have gone further). But exited to Norman Street Park.

The Soho Loop opened in 1772, and was part of the Birmingham Canal Navigations Old Mainline and developed by James Brindley. It became a loop when the straighter Birmingham Canal Navigations Mainline, developed by Thomas Telford, opened in 1827. This created two junctions: Rotton Park Junction with the Soho Loop, Icknield Port Loop and the BCN Mainline and Winson Green Junction.


This walk was on Sunday 23rd July 2023.


Rotton Park Junction

Having caught the 11C bus to Summerfield Park, Winson Green, my plans changed when I found the towpath closed at the Winson Green Bridge, so couldn't walk to Winson Green Junction, so instead walked down the BCN Mainline and crossed the Rotton Park Towpath Bridge a Rotton Park Junction to get onto the Soho Loop. Here the skyline has changed, with The Mercian, The Bank towers 1 & 2 and the Cortland Square development on Broad Street. Icknield Port Loop to the right.

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Rotton Park Railway Bridge

View from the new Soho Wharf Footbridge, is the Rotton Park Railway Bridge at Rotton Park Junction. It carries the Birmingham to Wolverhampton railway line. This photo would have been impossible until the new footbridge had been built.

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Soho Wharf Footbridge

Most of the new Soho Wharf development on the left is now open. Also a new footbridge has opened to Spring Hill Wharf. I did walk a bit beyond, but found the towpath to be closed to Spring Hill, so had to double back, and divert off the Soho Loop and Soho Wharf to Dudley Road and Spring Hill.

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Soho Wharf to Spring Hill

While I did walk a bit of the towpath here, found it to be closed at the Spring Hill Bridge, so had to leave the canal at Soho Wharf over the new footbridge. Street art on the walls to the right.

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Spring Hill Bridge

A look at the Spring Hill Bridge and Soho Wharf. The towpath on this side was closed. Hopefully it wont be too long before they reopen it to the public.

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Spring Hill Pipe Bridge 

Rejoining the Soho Loop at Spring Hill, to walk towards the Black British History is British History sculpture, this was the first bridge back on the canal.

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Towards Crabtree Lane

The Soho Loop from Spring Hill to Crabtree Lane. Passed several cyclists around here. Some parkland on the right.

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Western Road Bridge

The Western Road Bridge carries Crabtree Lane.

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Towards Hockley Port Junction

This long straight section towards Hockley Port Junction. Lots of trees here, feels very rural.

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Soho Branch at Hockley Port Junction

The next bridge crosses over at Hockley Port Junction which leads to the Soho Branch and Hockley Port. Private, the gate looked locked, but could see narrowboats down there.

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Curving round City Hospital

A curved section, City Hospital is on the left (behind the trees). Then had to walk past lots of fishermen!

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The Wildlife Trusts Birmingham & Black Country

Still passing the fishermen, on the left was The Wildlife Trusts Birmingham & Black Country, part of the Centre of the Earth. Was a boat moored called 'London Poly Roger'.

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Black British History is British History

The reason for this Soho Loop walk was to find this steel sculpture by Luke Perry called 'Black British History is British History'. It was unveiled in 2023. Was also designed by artist Canaan Brown.

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Asylum Bridge

A look at the Asylum Bridge. Originally I would have walked past it, but I went up onto it to see if it was open (Google Maps said it was closed, I later tried to get Google Maps to change it). Anyway I ended up exiting the Soho Loop here into Norman Street Park.

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Winson Green Bridge

The view from the Asylum Bridge to the Winson Green Bridge. Was so close to the end of the Soho Loop. That bridge ahead carries another section of Winson Green Road. So will need to go back in future to complete the section to Winson Green Junction.

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Norman Street Park

There was an Asylum Bridge steel sculpture near the bridge in Norman Street Park. Also this gateway, and a street art wall. Ended up leaving here for the 11A bus stop on Aberdeen Street (not far from City Hospital).

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Nearby bus routes include the 11A, 11C, 82 and 87.

Appears to be in walking distance of Jewellery Quarter Station (trains) or Winson Green Outer Circle Tram Stop or Soho Benson Road Tram Stop (trams).


Photos by Elliott Brown

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80 passion points
Elliott Brown History & heritage
10 Jul 2023 - Elliott Brown
Did you know?

The 6888 US Army African American women's postal unit at King Edward's School in 1945

Did you know that in 1945 at King Edward's School in Edgbaston, Birmingham, that The U.S. Women's Army Corps 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion was based at King Edward's School to sort the backlog of post, in the last year of the Second World War? This little known story is being turned into a Netflix film. It was also featured on BBC Midlands Today.

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The 6888 US Army African American women's postal unit at King Edward's School in 1945

Did you know that in 1945 at King Edward's School in Edgbaston, Birmingham, that The U.S. Women's Army Corps 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion was based at King Edward's School to sort the backlog of post, in the last year of the Second World War? This little known story is being turned into a Netflix film. It was also featured on BBC Midlands Today.

The fascinating story about the Six Triple Eight was featured on BBC Midlands Today on Wednesday 5th July 2023. Descendants of the African American US Army members of the 6888 unit, recently journeyed to Birmingham, and visited King Edward's School. More information at the link below from BBC Midlands Today.

Six Triple Eight: The battalion of black women erased from history


The blue plaque was unveiled to the side of the gates on the Bristol Road entrance near Vince House in 2019, near The Andrew Brode Sports Centre. Members of the 6888 division was based at King Edward's School during 1945.

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Photos taken on the Bristol Road in Edgbaston at King Edward's School during September 2020 by Elliott Brown.

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