From Austin Park in Longbridge, a path has been opened up under the Bristol Road South Bridge on what was originally the Halesowen railway line, and there used to be a station on the other side of the bridge. Local artist Stuart Whipps has designed five steel sculptural barriers in the archways separating the bridge from the River Rea. Based on the 1979 'Mini City' upholstery.


Longbridge Colours: a series of five steel sculptural barriers under Bristol Road South, near Austin Park

From Austin Park in Longbridge, a path has been opened up under the Bristol Road South Bridge on what was originally the Halesowen railway line, and there used to be a station on the other side of the bridge. Local artist Stuart Whipps has designed five steel sculptural barriers in the archways separating the bridge from the River Rea. Based on the 1979 'Mini City' upholstery.

Starting from Austin Park in Longbridge on Saturday afternoon, 22nd January 2022. Instead of going to the exit gate on Bristol Road South,  I headed down to the footbridge over the River Rea.

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River Rea view towards Longbridge Town Centre, with South & City College Birmingham (Longbridge Campus) {formerly Bournville College} on the left.

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The River Rea under the Bristol Road South Bridge. The water looks a bit dirty under here.

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This used to be the Halesowen railway line. Heading under the Bristol Road South Bridge in Longbridge. On the left is the five sculptural panels by Stuart Whipps (born in 1979).

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Information sign all about the artwork located here called Longbridge Colours (2015). Unveiled in March 2021 by local Northfield MP Gary Sambrook. There is also thoughts on the former factory from Colin Corke, Vicar of Longbridge.

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Longbridge Colours based on the upholstery of the 1979 'Mini City' made here at Longbridge. Designed and made by Stuart Whipps in 2015, but installed in 2021.

Colours used include: Vermillion Red, Ermine White, Pageant Blue, Snapdragon Yellow, Russet Brown, Demin Blue, Reynard Bronze, Java Green, Champagne Beige and Black.

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Exiting onto the other side of Bristol Road South. Approximately at the former site of the Longbridge (Halesowen railway) Station site. The building was derelict by 2010 to 2011, and was demolished by 2012 or 2013.

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The River Rea from the other side of the Bristol Road South Bridge.

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First time exiting from this path. This used to be a British Rail gate that was locked. Area overgrown. Site was cleared by 2018, but it was only opened up to pedestrians and cyclists in 2021.

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Photos taken by Elliott Brown can also be found on Twitter: ellrbrown